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PINZGA HATSCHA Stage 4 (Ingolstädter Haus to Maria Alm)

Very demanding stage with crossing of the Steinernes Meer starting from Ingolstädter Haus, via Riemannshaus to Maria Alm.

This stage leads through the barren and expansive Steinerne Meer. Right from the start, you are immersed in this natural landscape. You are amazed by the endless expanse and, with a bit of luck, you can also observe chamois. After a little more than six kilometres, you reach the Riemannshaus. During a break, you can now sufficiently enjoy the view of this rugged mountain landscape. The following section now leads steadily downhill with a fantastic view. The trail first descends on terrain secured with steel ropes, later it joins a forest road and the route now heads easily towards the stage destination in Maria Alm.

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